What to know about Healthy Home Standards
On 01 July 2019 Healthy Home Standards became law in New Zealand for rental properties. Minimum standards were set in regard to Heating, Ventilation, Moisture Ingress, Insulation and Draft Stopping.
“Between 1 July 2021 and 1 July 2025, all private rentals must comply with the healthy homes standards within certain timeframes from the start of any new, or renewed, tenancy.”
“Some private rentals may have additional time to comply with the heating standard. This will depend on whether the property uses the new heating formula to calculate the required heating capacity for the main living room.”
“All boarding houses must have complied by 1 July 2021. All houses rented by Kāinga Ora (formerly Housing New Zealand) and registered Community Housing Providers must comply by 1 July 2024.”
“The standards will also make it easier for tenants to keep their homes warm and dry.”

On 01 July 2019 Healthy Home Standards became law in New Zealand for rental properties. Minimum standards were set in regard to Heating, Ventilation, Moisture Ingress, Insulation and Draft Stopping.
“Landlords must provide one or more fixed heaters that can directly heat the main living room. The heater(s) must be acceptable types, and must meet the minimum heating capacity required for your main living room.”
“There must be one or more fixed heaters that can directly heat the main living room.”
“The main living room is the largest room that is used for general, everyday living – for example a lounge, family room or dining room.”
“Heater(s) must be fixed (not portable) and must be at least 1.5 kW in heating capacity and meet the minimum heating capacity needed for the main living room. There are several options to calculate the heating capacity required for the main living room.”
Utiger Properties uses a qualified professional to assess the required heating capacity to meet the heating standard.
NB: You can find out more by visiting https://www.tenancy.govt.nz/healthy-homes/heating-standard/

“Rental homes must have openable windows in the living room, dining room, kitchen and bedrooms. Kitchens and bathrooms must have extractor fans or an acceptable continuous mechanical ventilation system.”
“All habitable rooms in a rental property must have at least one window, door or skylight which opens to the outside and can be fixed in the open position.”
“In each room, the size of the openable windows, doors and skylights together must be at least 5% of the floor area of that room.”
“Each window door, window or skylight must be openable and must be able to remain fixed in an open position.”
“All kitchens and bathrooms must either have an extractor fan that vents air to the outside or a continuous mechanical ventilation that meets certain criteria.”
NB: You can find more information by visiting https://www.tenancy.govt.nz/healthy-homes/ventilation-standard/

Draft Stopping
“Landlords must make sure the property doesn’t have unreasonable gaps or holes in walls, ceilings, windows, skylights, floors and doors which cause noticeable draughts. All unused open fireplaces must be closed off or their chimneys must be blocked to prevent draughts.”
“Landlords must already provide rental properties in a reasonable state of repair.”
“Under the healthy homes standards, landlords must make sure the premises doesn’t have unreasonable gaps or holes in walls, ceilings, windows, skylights, floors and doors which cause noticeable draughts. Landlords can’t use the age and condition of the house as a reason not to stop gaps or holes.”
“If rental homes have an open fireplace, it must be closed off or the chimney blocked to prevent draughts in and out of the property through the fireplace.”
“Tenants can ask landlords in writing to make the fireplace available for use and the landlord can agree. If it is available for use, it must be in good working order and free of any gaps which could cause a draught that are not necessary for the safe and efficient operation of the open fireplace. It is best practice to record any agreement in writing, with both tenant and landlord keeping a copy.”
NB: You can find more information by visiting https://www.tenancy.govt.nz/healthy-homes/draught/

“Rental homes must have openable windows in the living room, dining room, kitchen and bedrooms. Kitchens and bathrooms must have extractor fans or an acceptable continuous mechanical ventilation system.”
“All habitable rooms in a rental property must have at least one window, door or skylight which opens to the outside and can be fixed in the open position.”
“In each room, the size of the openable windows, doors and skylights together must be at least 5% of the floor area of that room.”
“Each window door, window or skylight must be openable and must be able to remain fixed in an open position.”
“All kitchens and bathrooms must either have an extractor fan that vents air to the outside or a continuous mechanical ventilation that meets certain criteria.”
NB: You can find more information by visiting https://www.tenancy.govt.nz/healthy-homes/ventilation-standard/

Moisture Ingress
“Rental properties must have efficient drainage for the removal of storm water, surface water and ground water. Rental properties with an enclosed sub-floor space must have a ground moisture barrier.”
“Rental properties must have efficient drainage for the removal of storm water, surface water and ground water, including an appropriate outfall. The drainage system must include gutters, downpipes and drains for the removal of water from the roof.”
“If the rental property has an enclosed subfloor, a ground moisture barrier must be installed if it is reasonably practicable to do so.”
Ground moisture barrier
“A ground moisture barrier is generally a polythene sheet that can be bought from most building retailers. It can be installed by a house owner or a building professional.”
Ground moisture barriers must either:
- Be a polythene sheet and installed in accordance with section 8 of New Zealand Standard NZS4246:2016, or
- Have a vapour flow resistance of at least 50MNs/g and be installed by a professional installer.
NB: For more information about requirements and/or exemptions you can visit https://www.tenancy.govt.nz/healthy-homes/moisture-and-drainage-standard/

Exemptions to Healthy Home Standards
Some rental properties may have exemptions from criteria set out for any of the 5 required standards set in place. If you think your rental property may be exempt from Healthy Homes please refer to: https://www.tenancy.govt.nz/healthy-homes/exemptions-to-the-healthy-homes-standards/

Timeframes to meet Healthy Home Standards
From 1 July 2019
“Ceiling and underfloor insulation is compulsory in all rental homes where it is reasonably practicable to install. Landlords must sign a statement of intent to comply with the healthy homes standards in any new, varied or renewed tenancy agreement. This statement is in addition to the existing requirement to include a signed insulation statement with all tenancy agreements that covers what insulation the property has, where it is, and what type. Landlords must keep records that demonstrate compliance with any healthy homes
standards that apply or will apply during the tenancy.”
From 1 December 2020
“Landlords must include a statement of their current level of compliance with the healthy homes standards in most new or renewed tenancy agreements.”
From 1 July 2021
“All boarding houses (except Kāinga Ora (formerly Housing New Zealand) and Community Housing Provider boarding house tenancies) must comply with the healthy homes standards. Between 1 July 2021 and 1 July 2025, all private rentals must comply with the healthy homes standards within certain timeframes from the start of any new, or renewed, tenancy.”
From 1 July 2024
“All Kāinga Ora (formerly Housing New Zealand) houses and registered Community Housing Provider houses must comply with the healthy homes standards.”
From 1 July 2025
“All private rentals must comply with the healthy homes standards.”
Please note – for further information on if your property is subject to the extension of meeting the heating compliance please refer to

Compliance Statement
“All new or renewed tenancy agreements must include specific information about the rental property’s current level of compliance with the healthy homes standards.”
NB: For more information please visit https://www.tenancy.govt.nz/healthy-homes/compliance-statement/
Landlords that don’t meet their obligations under the healthy homes standards are in breach of the Residential Tenancies Act 1986. They may be liable for exemplary damages of up to $7,200.
Please refer to ‘Breaches of the Residential Tenancies Act’ https://www.tenancy.govt.nz/disputes/breaches-of-the-residential-tenancies-act/